Ma-Ta made and Ermek made it home Dec. 23rd 2008. We have been so consumed with each other that we really haven't had time to connect with all the people who have helped make this family possible. We have so many people to thank - your support of both of us - has been overwhelming to say the least.
Flip... you kept both of us going, laughing and reminding us that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and it will have the coolest little boy ever attached to it - you inspire both of us to write and chronical the events we may otherwise take for granted... we are grateful.
Marc, Barbi, Kenz thank you for letting me lean on you... and Barb - for telling me to keep my chin up... "that's what reminding is for!"
Wendy your emails always brightened our days.
Bill and Pam, for always being "just a phone call away"- thank you.
Corinne & Steve and Sean... thank you so much for a great Thanksgiving, Thursday visits to the dealership (that I looked forward to every week!) and especially to Dan for teaching me how to speak "Rushin".
Our family of course - THANK YOU.
Special thanks to Susan & Joe and Kelly & Doug ... you helped keep Tasch sane and entertained during those long Kaz nights and days- we will all be forever connected through this incredible process - I can't wait to know you face to face.
And last but certainly not least... Uncle Jerry - who helped on every level imaginable... from shoveling snow to keeping me from totally going off the deep-end during the 100+ day absence of the love of my life and partner in all things great and small... and of course holding down the fort with Brian at GA - what would we do without you? Ermek is going to love constructing and deconstructing with you! You are family, and we love you!
It has been requested that we continue to blog - as the real adventure is just starting... we have been keeping a blog for years now on a private web address - email me if you are interested and I will send you the link, most of you already have it - but that is the place we will continue to blog for everything "family". (rhinostas@gmail.com)
Thank you for being a part of the RIDE OF OUR LIVES! Our love to all!
S. T. E.