Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 20, 2008 10:40AM (11:40P 11-19-08 EST)

November 20, 2008

It’s winter here!

Yesterday was court and the judge granted the adoption!
So relieved!

E’s been growing like crazy…

Last Friday the babyhouse held a big “walking ceremony” where some of the older children dressed in traditional Kazakh outfits and danced a traditional Kazakh dance. They sang their national anthem and two girls recited some verses.

Three little walkers were celebrated, E being the newest one to navigate independently on two legs. It was so cute.

He had on a Kazakh vest and somehow KNEW this was all about him. He watched, in awe, the older kids run around. I believe he’s only been around adults and other children his age. In seeing this, he let go of my hand and just franken-walked around the room, socializing, being charming. No one’s ever seen him so animated before, it was a special day!

They had a rope made out of yarn at the babyhouse, tied it around his legs, then the head Doctor made a speech, sort of blessing him, then cut the rope. I have the rope, one piece of which I wore on my wrist during court and they gave him the vest, which normally doesn’t happen. Very special.

Two days after the ceremony, during my visit, he walked to the middle of the floor, plopped down on his butt, then proceeded to show me how he can now get up onto two legs without having to use a chair or my hands…then walked, BEAMING, back to me!

Unfortunately though, the day of the ceremony, after I said “packa-packa”, he fell on something sharp and put a pretty deep gash right next to his right eye…poor thing. I hadn’t left the babyhouse at that point and as you can imagine, was horrified to see him being rushed to the nurses room all bloodied.

I held him until he stopped crying...the wonders of a rattling distraction he can hold in his hand (box of baby vitamins/aspirin). Initially they put a little glass beaker in his hand, but that’s no fun.

He’s healing well, but I’m not sure if there will be a scar. No butterfly bandage or stitches.

He’s a brave little guy. He enjoys being in my arms for a good portion of my visit these days…ever since a particular day last week, Thursday I think it was. I am so happy he is allowing me to sooth and comfort him. It’s hard for the caregivers to give enough physical attention to the children, but they do so well with what they have.

Thanks for all your great messages...I'm off to see my son!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 9, 2008 6:10pm (7:10am EST)

I wanted to make a quick post. for the last several days we've woken to iced trees and white ground...yes, it's winter here in Kaz. In fact, I visited Kelly and her boy at their apt Saturday and it was a bitter cold walk over there!! It is cover-your-face-cold...burrr.

Well, Kelly & her boy flew to Almaty today and will be home by the weekend.

E is doing really well...he's walking more and more, but we're both getting a little bored with the same room, the same toys, the same...BUT, we do see the KittyCats outside which is fun. I don't know how to explain the white snow outside as we haven't been out since it's fallen. (nor do I want to take him out there)

They don't use salt and the black ice dominate the walking areas.

Otherwise, he is amazing me. He's watching and emulating...but really enjoys adult my purse and the stuff in it. He'll pull out the kleenex and rub his nose and breath it makes the 'sound'. My niece/nephew gave a polished rock which I bring daily...and recently pulled it out for him to play with. He loves that slippery thing and moves them from one cup to another, then fakes a move towards his mouth (just checking to see if I'm watching), etc.

Few more details (legal) that need to happen before my court date on the 19th.

Monday, November 3, 2008

November 4, 2008 7:32AM (8:32PM 11-3-08 EST)

Here is another street cleaner I spotted from my penthouse view; a yummy ice cream treat wrapper; a local market filled with stores where one can buy portable toilets, to kitchen supplies to auto parts.

The weather today is damp and cold. I can’t tell if it’s still cloudy out since the sun hasn’t come up (it’s only 7:30am), but it feels like Germany winter weather.

E is doing so well. I’m so happy to get to use the gym & music room which are attached. And we get them all to ourselves, except for the passing nurse or caregiver who always needs to gush all over E as he shows off his new skills.

They all not only know his name (I think there are close to a hundred kids here), but take the time to engage with him and never walk through without some sort of acknowledgement despite how busy they may be at the time. It is really heartwarming and I’m so glad, despite the delays, that I’m here.

Knowing what I now know, I don’t think I’d change a thing if given the choice.
I feel privileged to have been able to do this and am thankful I'm here....and so damn lucky to have met and waited for E!!!
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