Friday, October 31, 2008
October 31, 2008
"I'm a walkin', yes indeed..."
So today, he help! It's as if he got passport pictures and it's just that time! I'm so glad it happened while I was with him...the caretakers were so surprised when he showed off to them and so happy.
And that look on a boys face....of ULTIMATE independent SUCCESS! priceless.
Here are a two photos from today...he loves those pinecones...and the second is his smug look of accomplishment. I swear I see a change in him physically since he took a few steps all by himself. ON HALLOWEEN...what a cool day too!!!
I of course couldn't take any pictures of this...I tried...and I will!
He sure got confident after hangin' out around town yesterday...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
October 30, 4:10PM (6:10AM EST)
I apologize for not writing! Wow…the days just pass and merge…
I had pre-court on the 28th. It went as expected. I was peppered with questions from the judge…from how did I choose this child to does he take to me to what the global crisis will do to my business. All questions a judge needs to ask in order to do her job effectively. But another step accomplished through this process.
Today, however, was an exciting day. We took passport pictures. A bit pre-mature, but decided we should do it in tandem with K/D’s little guy. We piled in the VW Golf & yes, travelled Brittney-with-child way…. E being on my lap.
He didn’t smile, but he’s so darned cute he could have been wailing for all I cared. We then walked around town while the photos were processing. A very exciting new experience for all of us. He did spectacularly and as we re-traced our steps back to the car he demonstrated familiarity with the scenery and car.
When he burps, he now knows to put his hand to his mouth…it’s adorable, but I think he just has fun hearing me say “excuse ME”…lol
Everything is going well, but just so slow.
I’m having Kelly over tonight for a meal I made up yet again. This is beef which has been marinating in my special concoction of secret-babuschka-garlic sauce & some of my own special adds, with onion and pepper. I also made another dipping oil yesterday…it is delicious (to me). I have avocado & tomato salad as well. I hope it tastes good…otherwise, the market’s next door and they sell pizza.
I bought a Malbec wine which should go well with this.
Today is beautiful…the sun is shining and I think it may be in the 50’s…perfect fall weather.
I hear we had snow back home…I’m sorry I missed it.
I am back to blogging and will keep you all informed with my days. I also have some pictures I’ll share as well.
I finished Johnstown Flood a while back & think it could or should be made into a “titanic” type film…the entire book was breathtaking! What an amazing story…and story teller of such a fantastic part of our history! I really love reading him.
I don’t know what’s next…I don’t have too many books downloaded to my Kindle as I thought I’d be home by now…Alfred Hitchcock type stories or Walden or 1776…idk.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday October 19, 2008 5:43PM (7:43AM EST)
E was feeling better and we played with every one of the toys I bring daily. We played with cups, the ball, MegaBloks, looked at pictures, the little wooden puzzle & he was the first one to see the live kittycat out in the yard. Oh, it was a riot! He seems to take pride in ‘winning’…he had a conquer-grin on when he squealed first at the sight of the kittycat outside.
Although he had gas, I think he was feeling better. Then we came back in time to enjoy a snack before nap time. He drinks from a cup and uses a big soup spoon to eat his keefer…soured milk that looks like oatmeal. I’m not quite sure what it is, but I’ll taste it at some point so as to emulate it when I’m in Almaty with him for four days.
Turns out, we won’t know when pre-court is until maybe Wednesday if not Thursday. The judge made it crystal clear she had 5 days to review the documents and not to bother her until then.
So there you have it. Our boy is awesome (but doesn’t feel well sometimes) and I am counting down the days, if only I knew how many, before we go home.
OH, and I have some ugly looking bug in my apt. I’ve seen and killed two so far. They are tan in color, have many legs like a centipede, but a body fat like a caterpillar. As with spiders, I have my normal freakout with a scream and many blows with a shoe until it doesn’t even look like a bug; only to pull out the extra strong cleaning supplies to erase the scene. Self defense. The creepy part is I’ve seen only one/day, in the AM, for the last two days…both coming out of my bedroom…
…I am telling you, the fun never ends…
Today we visited the babyhouse early in order to arrive in time for the ‘lottery’ at the Mega-Gros (the BJ’s sized supermarket). Two and a half hours in the cold and no, none of us won the TV…or any of the prizes for that matter. I took a bath in my rusty water and thawed out…feel much better & am about to enjoy the rest of the evening with my book.
The visit, however, was short…E had to be woken from his nap & we played ‘mellow’ until the rest of the gang woke up and they all sat on the ‘potty’. Everyone was cranky so the caregivers had to sing a clapping sound to stimulate them. Anya, who has always engaged in my peeka-boos and clapping games when E would want no part of it, was the happy gal on the potty clapping to the beat of the caregiver. E was NOT a happy boy…lol.
Friday, October 17, 2008
October 17, 5:47PM (7:47 AM EST)
I love the texture and optimistically try it as often as I can (as I do olives), but the taste is something I’m not able to acquire…yet.
But…fried cottage cheese…now that is a delicious treat! I had it last night & enjoyed it so very much. I’m a big cheese cake lover. This taste resembles that of the edge of a no-crust cheesecake…you know, the side that’s browned from the baking…
What a wonderful surprise. The first dessert here I would have any time!
Anyway…today was a good day again at the babyhouse. Little E, however, isn’t feeling that well, I don’t think. He’s not smiling the way he has the last several weeks and seems overly agitated. And he had diarrhea just yesterday or the day before…can’t remember, all the days seem to merge lately.
I don’t know if it’s his stomach…or if it’s something else. My adult overly-sensitive mind is flashing on the kid isn’t seeing any change…we met, he advanced so much, but now, it’s part of the same ol’ routine…how am I his mother when all I do is visit for a short time during the day, for what seems to be ‘forever’ (to me too little guy, to me too!--even though it's been less than 2 months...shouldn't a mother take him out of this place)? Maybe I’m just the new ‘caregiver’ during that time…?
I understand his frustration…we can’t really do much indoors and our limited outdoor time is now wrapped up in so many layers…what’s fun about that? Another lap around the babyhouse…fun.
He doesn’t seem to want to walk much anymore…what’s the point?
It saddens me to see this, but I also know his stomach wasn’t right the last few days.
So he’ll go crawl off to somewhere and just lay around…he seems to be at peace when he can isolate himself…protection? I’ll watch him do this & I catch glimpses of him looking at me…I’ll wait for a little, then pick him up and show him our photos again…He likes flipping through them and points to Mr. P, the “kittycat” “Ava” “Maggy/Scarlett” & “AJ” a lot. It’s where the pages easily flip open to. Then we’ll engage with the outdoors again at the window. I’ll stimulate him enough to forget about his doldrum, and he’ll chat away. (I flash on Milo’s adventures in The Phantom Tolbooth)
The old tricks to make him laugh seem to be getting old though.
So I don’t know…is he not feeling well physically or is he sad with less hope?
Despite my little fears, he’s doing fine…just not in the best of moods…even the caregivers have said so.
He does try to communicate with me with his open-n-shut palm motion…or high-five.
I would love to take him out of there and show him that this isn’t his life…
Good byes seem harder…I know he gets cranky since it’s snack and nap time, but today he reached out to me, then cried but wouldn’t Packa-Packa—boredom? sadness? Despite his agitation, he doesn’t seem to want me to go either…
Hopefully he feels better tomorrow.
They keep children here until they’re 3 yo then move them to another orphanage in a different town. My liaison has been there and said that the children come up to her and ask her if she is there to adopt them. Heartbreaking.
In a normal scenario, I’d have had my final court date & await the passport documents. K&D’s little guy seems oblivious to this time warp…but he’s 6 months younger.
E is a processor…a thinker…an old soul.
We found out who my judge is today. A woman, but a different one than K&D’s. This one has had a history of using the maximum time allotted by law…I hope we can convince her that it is best for the child and his health that we get him to the USA as soon as possible…within all the rules & requirements of the law, of course!
Monday I hope to know when my pre-court is.
My washing machine isn’t rinsing my “Persil” laundry detergent well…and not spinning lately. But the cutest view I have right now is seeing these little shirts hanging outside my window on the clothes line to dry…omg, I can’t stand it. LOL I don’t want to take them down, they’re so damn cute. I left some pants, a onesy and some OshKosh socks with treads on them for 3 days on that line because I loved looking at them.
Weather’s getting cold…Kelly’s making chili tomorrow & we’ll have another Scrabble night. I’m 3-1 so far.
Can’t wait to hear about the Chili-cookoff tomorrow back home!!!!
I’ll be thinking about you guys all day long!!!!!! Very fun!!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
October 14, 2008
Here you see the change in 3 days…the first day was very warm…but then it dropped 50 degrees and got windy & cold!
Little E wants so much to talk & walk…but sure gets frustrated when he gets tired…he doesn’t go down for a nap easily…this will be loads of fun on the trip back home I think Ma-ta will be the one who won’t get to rest…
So….I finally had the urge to read…the weather is wet and cold and the sky gets dark early. I brought a Kindle…Amazon’s electronic book onto which I downloaded some books. Sunday I read Stephen King’s “The Mist” and yesterday almost finished “The Kite Runner”
Now THAT guy is a fantastic storyteller! I am so thrilled I finally decided to try that book…it’s been out for a while & got such great reviews…but I was skeptical, because so did Wally Lamb’s “She’s Come Undone” and it was painful to get through the first 75 pages…not because of anything in the story…I felt like I wasted money and good paper for a book I never finished. I’ve read books or put down books I didn’t like. This happened 10 years ago and I really don’t know why it bothers me still. I think it’s because I was so excited to read it…and was disappointed my tastes weren’t in line with thousands of other readers who excitedly chatted about it in their book clubs over tea and pastries across the Oprah Nation. I’m just not that kind of girl I guess.
The Kite Runner…This is a book unlike any I’ve read…or wanted to read. The Muslims here are, I believe, mostly Sunni’s.
Next up, probably another David McCullough novel…I’m feeling very patriotic these days.
So much is happening all around me (all of us)…it is inspiring. Frustrating at times, but oh so very inspiring. In times of trouble and stress…there are those who step up, step out or step down. I’m so proud to be an American and so thrilled to be on the path to motherhood in a world today most are scared to thrive in…but these little guys, our children now have a clean slate. We became a great country by our entrepreneurial spirit, passion and guts to get it done when no one else did. Today, new rules are being formed, new jobs are needed and now we will harness the new leaders of our country and companies to correct some of our gluttonous actions, break free from our sloth-like work & lifestyle habits we’ve formed…and thrive as Americans.
What wonderful real life lessons we can share…and teach…and inspire…and of course, learn from!
The age of free money and sloth-acceptance are over…I was more scared to raise a child in that glut we seem to be paying for today…because all it was, was a façade of reality. And those who were skeptical, just got bitter. Those who took the ride, did it with the shroud of delusion hanging over them as their arrogance grew…but that’s ok, because we had a pill for that feeling
I am so thankful to have my health, my job, my family, the opportunity to provide jobs for others…and today, to be here for another purpose. Our boy.
What I'm mostly thankful for are the people who have integrity...those who are in my life, some I get to work with...who have the guts to look at themselves in the mirror and build on their character every day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. I admire you. Stas, you embrace everyone in your world as your family & nurture them. You, I admire.
God Bless America and those of us who fight everyday for it in our daily lives by not giving up on her.
Today is my 14th day...tomorrow I apply for pre-court...I'm hoping that will come soon! They are posting Russian adoption deaths in the USA all over the news. Kazakhstan is heavily influenced by Russian news. It's awful, even if it's old news. Makes me sick...
One just never knows what will happen next...
Off to the babyhouse.....
LOL...enough of this rant...i have a job to do here...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October 9, 2008 9:52AM (11:52 PM 10-08 EST)
With the new visitation time I have, I am coming in when the kids are all on the ‘potty’. So now, E will see me and JUMP off all happy to have done his thing in the potty and is ready for me…it’s so cute.
K&D have their pre-court today…very cool. I can apply on the 15th…almost here!!!
I had the gang over for dinner last night. I’m really glad to have them around. I messed up on the rouladin taste because I didn’t cook the tomatoes with the beef…but it ended up tasting just fine the way it turned out.
We all ate on the floor in the living room while Leeza played in the middle with MegaBloks and Cups…lol…
Today is another sunny day…it’s been so warm lately I sleep with all the windows open and the fan on. But I heard it may snow on Sat…the cold is just around the corner!!!
Needless to say, we are spending as much time outdoors as possible while we can, identifying cars, kitty-cats, leaves (they’re falling fast) and doggies.
I am missing home so much lately…
Stas…you are a rock out there…I can’t be more proud!
OK, off to fold the babyclothes hanging on the clothesline…
…this is my life, interrupted.
Monday, October 6, 2008
October 5, 2008
This is my new friend, Mascha & me hanging out outside my apartment building. This is the bench on which Mr. Wendel was snoozin' the other week...after he moved from the stairs I had to walk over to get out!
The second pic is of my playgroud courtyard. It isn't Melrose Place. Is anyone flashing on "Hostel"? I can't help it. We had Jamie Lee Curtis' mom in Psycho, then the birds, then Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, Jason, Freddy….only to wait almost two decades for Saw and Hostel to burn into my brain…
Hostel II was on TV the other night...voiceover. I didn't watch it.
Anyway, E is great! I know the 'fake' cry's pretty pathetic. He watched his playmate Anya take her first real steps and Sunday she was walking the stroller. So we tried...well, we're not quite there, but he's just about to let go of my hand...
He's getting more teeth!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
October 4, 2008 5:42PM (7:42AM)
Little E fell asleep outside in the stroller…the guy was sweating in his hat & coat and 2 layers underneath under the hot sun! Who wouldn’t want to sleep and be very still in those conditions?
I thought I’d let him nap a little then take him in 15minutes early…I didn’t know how he’d respond to me taking him out of the stroller all sleepy. Well, he popped awake and played happily up through when I left.
What a happy guy.
I looked at some pictures of only a month ago and wow, he’s changed so much already! The kid is coming into his own boyhood & I love watching him come alive.
The caregivers were helping one of the girls learn to walk…oh, she was so excited.
Yes, this is why I chose Kazakhstan…sure, it’s still an orphanage, but these ladies seem to really try and teach those kids to develop as ‘normally’ as possible. They are potty trained early, know how to play with one another & follow schedules.
They were all on the potty when I came in yesterday. After meals, after naps, before bed & first thing in the morning. They do not use diapers and I have yet to see an ‘accident’. Of course I’m sure they happen…but I don’t think very often.
Well, I'm off to dinner at Kelly & Doug's...
around town...
KazPost....this is where I stimulate the economy with all the Internet Cards I buy.
The 2nd picture you see "carpooling"...and I guess the lines in the road are only there as guides.
The 3rd picture is for Jerry...the tractor is traveling to the right...I'm quite certain this isn't a Farmall...
Yesterday was a great day again...we've been having excellent weather and temps!
I'll write again soon
Friday, October 3, 2008
October 3, 2008 10:38AM
Today will mark my official “Day #3”. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that I’ve finally signed my name next to little B’s.
I am bringing a cake to the babyhouse…to say thank you because today I get to stay longer!!! And, I think he’s going to take his first steps. He has really opened up over there and the head nurse came close to tears stating that it was because I’ve been with him…almost brought me to tears as well…she cannot say enough about him and ‘how handsome’ he will be…so cute! I am convinced he is THE favorite…it will be a sad day when they say goodbye.
LOL, but unfortunately that day isn’t coming soon enough for B & me!
The other item in the photo is a gift from the babyhouse after I signed “the book”. Kazak colors, blue & gold, with a symbol they use often…not quite a crest. This is a pillow you use on the floor for gatherings, which is typical
I’ve been up since 4…I couldn’t sleep…maybe it’s because for two days I only had rust-colored scalding water…no cold water. I do today & the shower felt great! So today is a good day.
The third picture is my breakfast…hey, at least it feels like I’m with you…well, not really. That yellow box is honey…very tasty.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October 1, 2008
The sun is setting further south these days. We’ve had our first snow flurry…
As Stevie would sing “As summer turns to fall…I’m not ready for the winter…it doesn’t matter at all…cuz I wear boots all summer long…”
My apartment faces West…I get to say Good Morning and Good Night to you every day.
What I wouldn’t do for one of Stas’ wet burritos! A gal can dream…
Today I finally sign in “the book” and have come up with a toast I’ll make this evening:
Today marks a special day
Despite my family being oh so far away!
I’m lucky to have found such special friends here,
And tonight we’ll toast our new beginnings with a Kazak beer!
I have made dinner with a lot of fresh food
Oh, I have fallen so hard for my little dude!
He is gorgeous, charming and loves to babble…
So now on to win again in SCRABBLE!
My engineering degree is what I attribute to my literary eloquence…
Did you know QAT is a word? Yes, it is…it’s a noun. Leaves of a shrub called “Catha Edalis”. Apparently the Yemen’s chew it or make tea out of this to get high…so, perhaps they don’t drink alcohol, but they sure have other alternatives…
I’ll write again soon.
Off to the babyhouse...