Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31, 2008

"I'm a walkin', yes indeed..."

So today, he help! It's as if he got passport pictures and it's just that time! I'm so glad it happened while I was with him...the caretakers were so surprised when he showed off to them and so happy.

And that look on a boys face....of ULTIMATE independent SUCCESS! priceless.

Here are a two photos from today...he loves those pinecones...and the second is his smug look of accomplishment. I swear I see a change in him physically since he took a few steps all by himself. ON HALLOWEEN...what a cool day too!!!

I of course couldn't take any pictures of this...I tried...and I will!

He sure got confident after hangin' out around town yesterday...


Flip said...

YAY! He's walking and YAY everyone is OK! YAY!!

Susan said...

you'll have plenty of time to get it on video. I'm so glad you saw his first steps. I was so thrilled when Leeza did it too.
however, she has not done it again.
she prefers to hang on to ONE hand-but my neighbors swear she will just take off one day and that will be it.
she does now have 9 pairs of shoes to walk in though--Sean thinks it's RIDICOULOUS. but, she has to match her outfits...

congrats to Ermick-that's so cool.

Just wait until you bust him out-he will really light up.
Leeza is Ms. Social buterfly-not even scared of anyone or Haunted scary yards on halloween...

E is the bomb-go buddy go!
I will tell Leeza when she wakes up tomorrow-she will be jazzed to hear it, I am sure.

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