Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14, 2008

Here you see the change in 3 days…the first day was very warm…but then it dropped 50 degrees and got windy & cold!

Little E wants so much to talk & walk…but sure gets frustrated when he gets tired…he doesn’t go down for a nap easily…this will be loads of fun on the trip back home  I think Ma-ta will be the one who won’t get to rest…

So….I finally had the urge to read…the weather is wet and cold and the sky gets dark early. I brought a Kindle…Amazon’s electronic book onto which I downloaded some books. Sunday I read Stephen King’s “The Mist” and yesterday almost finished “The Kite Runner”

Now THAT guy is a fantastic storyteller! I am so thrilled I finally decided to try that book…it’s been out for a while & got such great reviews…but I was skeptical, because so did Wally Lamb’s “She’s Come Undone” and it was painful to get through the first 75 pages…not because of anything in the story…I felt like I wasted money and good paper for a book I never finished. I’ve read books or put down books I didn’t like. This happened 10 years ago and I really don’t know why it bothers me still. I think it’s because I was so excited to read it…and was disappointed my tastes weren’t in line with thousands of other readers who excitedly chatted about it in their book clubs over tea and pastries across the Oprah Nation. I’m just not that kind of girl I guess.

The Kite Runner…This is a book unlike any I’ve read…or wanted to read. The Muslims here are, I believe, mostly Sunni’s.

Next up, probably another David McCullough novel…I’m feeling very patriotic these days.

So much is happening all around me (all of us)…it is inspiring. Frustrating at times, but oh so very inspiring. In times of trouble and stress…there are those who step up, step out or step down. I’m so proud to be an American and so thrilled to be on the path to motherhood in a world today most are scared to thrive in…but these little guys, our children now have a clean slate. We became a great country by our entrepreneurial spirit, passion and guts to get it done when no one else did. Today, new rules are being formed, new jobs are needed and now we will harness the new leaders of our country and companies to correct some of our gluttonous actions, break free from our sloth-like work & lifestyle habits we’ve formed…and thrive as Americans.

What wonderful real life lessons we can share…and teach…and inspire…and of course, learn from!

The age of free money and sloth-acceptance are over…I was more scared to raise a child in that glut we seem to be paying for today…because all it was, was a façade of reality. And those who were skeptical, just got bitter. Those who took the ride, did it with the shroud of delusion hanging over them as their arrogance grew…but that’s ok, because we had a pill for that feeling

I am so thankful to have my health, my job, my family, the opportunity to provide jobs for others…and today, to be here for another purpose. Our boy.

What I'm mostly thankful for are the people who have integrity...those who are in my life, some I get to work with...who have the guts to look at themselves in the mirror and build on their character every day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. I admire you. Stas, you embrace everyone in your world as your family & nurture them. You, I admire.

God Bless America and those of us who fight everyday for it in our daily lives by not giving up on her.

Today is my 14th day...tomorrow I apply for pre-court...I'm hoping that will come soon! They are posting Russian adoption deaths in the USA all over the news. Kazakhstan is heavily influenced by Russian news. It's awful, even if it's old news. Makes me sick...

One just never knows what will happen next...

Off to the babyhouse.....

LOL...enough of this rant...i have a job to do here...

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hey-my dad has a kindle. we got him one for christmas and he LOVES IT! Glad you like it. I thought of getting myself one for Kaz, but could not bear to spend the money with everything else going on (had to buy clothes for Leeza...HA HA)

I loved the Kite Runner...great book! very sad too.

you are doing a wonderful thing Tasch...staying in Kostanai for such a long time to bring home the son who was meant for you.

Your time is coming to bring him home, and I can't wait to watch him thrive under your care. It's going to be amazing.

You are an amazing woman-very inspiring-and I'm so proud to have met you.

Keep the scary bugs away and hug that boy-he will amaze you when you take him away...Leeza is even more animated and smiley here in Almaty than she was in Kostanai.
And, remember, the day we met her, she was silent and rocked back and forth-we didn't know if she could crawl, or babble, or any of it...

Hugs to you-enjoy your kindle and read now-cuz once your boy comes with you-your free time is vanito...:)

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