I do not like cottage cheese…
I love the texture and optimistically try it as often as I can (as I do olives), but the taste is something I’m not able to acquire…yet.
But…fried cottage cheese…now that is a delicious treat! I had it last night & enjoyed it so very much. I’m a big cheese cake lover. This taste resembles that of the edge of a no-crust cheesecake…you know, the side that’s browned from the baking…
What a wonderful surprise. The first dessert here I would have any time!
Anyway…today was a good day again at the babyhouse. Little E, however, isn’t feeling that well, I don’t think. He’s not smiling the way he has the last several weeks and seems overly agitated. And he had diarrhea just yesterday or the day before…can’t remember, all the days seem to merge lately.
I don’t know if it’s his stomach…or if it’s something else. My adult overly-sensitive mind is flashing on the kid isn’t seeing any change…we met, he advanced so much, but now, it’s part of the same ol’ routine…how am I his mother when all I do is visit for a short time during the day, for what seems to be ‘forever’ (to me too little guy, to me too!--even though it's been less than 2 months...shouldn't a mother take him out of this place)? Maybe I’m just the new ‘caregiver’ during that time…?
I understand his frustration…we can’t really do much indoors and our limited outdoor time is now wrapped up in so many layers…what’s fun about that? Another lap around the babyhouse…fun.
He doesn’t seem to want to walk much anymore…what’s the point?
It saddens me to see this, but I also know his stomach wasn’t right the last few days.
So he’ll go crawl off to somewhere and just lay around…he seems to be at peace when he can isolate himself…protection? I’ll watch him do this & I catch glimpses of him looking at me…I’ll wait for a little, then pick him up and show him our photos again…He likes flipping through them and points to Mr. P, the “kittycat” “Ava” “Maggy/Scarlett” & “AJ” a lot. It’s where the pages easily flip open to. Then we’ll engage with the outdoors again at the window. I’ll stimulate him enough to forget about his doldrum, and he’ll chat away. (I flash on Milo’s adventures in The Phantom Tolbooth)
The old tricks to make him laugh seem to be getting old though.
So I don’t know…is he not feeling well physically or is he sad with less hope?
Despite my little fears, he’s doing fine…just not in the best of moods…even the caregivers have said so.
He does try to communicate with me with his open-n-shut palm motion…or high-five.
I would love to take him out of there and show him that this isn’t his life…
Good byes seem harder…I know he gets cranky since it’s snack and nap time, but today he reached out to me, then cried but wouldn’t Packa-Packa—boredom? sadness? Despite his agitation, he doesn’t seem to want me to go either…
Hopefully he feels better tomorrow.
They keep children here until they’re 3 yo then move them to another orphanage in a different town. My liaison has been there and said that the children come up to her and ask her if she is there to adopt them. Heartbreaking.
In a normal scenario, I’d have had my final court date & await the passport documents. K&D’s little guy seems oblivious to this time warp…but he’s 6 months younger.
E is a processor…a thinker…an old soul.
We found out who my judge is today. A woman, but a different one than K&D’s. This one has had a history of using the maximum time allotted by law…I hope we can convince her that it is best for the child and his health that we get him to the USA as soon as possible…within all the rules & requirements of the law, of course!
Monday I hope to know when my pre-court is.
My washing machine isn’t rinsing my “Persil” laundry detergent well…and not spinning lately. But the cutest view I have right now is seeing these little shirts hanging outside my window on the clothes line to dry…omg, I can’t stand it. LOL I don’t want to take them down, they’re so damn cute. I left some pants, a onesy and some OshKosh socks with treads on them for 3 days on that line because I loved looking at them.
Weather’s getting cold…Kelly’s making chili tomorrow & we’ll have another Scrabble night. I’m 3-1 so far.
Can’t wait to hear about the Chili-cookoff tomorrow back home!!!!
I’ll be thinking about you guys all day long!!!!!! Very fun!!!!!
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The good news is, he is too young to have "no hope". Babies just do not think that way. It certainly sounds like he doesn't feel well though :(
I will continue to send good thoughts to get him and you, back home ASAP!
E was just in a bad mood or not feeling well...don't read too much into it my dear.
He is a cool lil dude and he is going to amaze you so much when you break him free.
Take ONE DAY A TIME, one minute a time or one hour at a time if you have too...your day, too, will come when you bust him out!
It does get hard to leave, but I never counted the days, I figured it was much better to "live in the moment" and give all my love to Leeza while I was there.
He knows you love him and he is not bored with YOU!
I got sad reading your post, and was glad to hear he is feeling better.
and, by the way, E is too cool to play "la doushki" anyway.
Leeza no longer needs that song to clap..now we CLAP FAST and c l a p s llllllllllllloooooooooooooow and she thinks it's freakin hilarious.
Keep the faith Tasch...you are on the downhill.....one day at a time, one bug at at a time
you got the coolest dude ever just waitin to come home with his hip ultra cool mom...
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