Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September 30, 2008
Little B had on a blue&yellow striped onsey on...adorable!! But the poor guy was crying and didn't feel well. We hung out and after he felt better, we played with toys inside today.
He's as vain as can be and talks to himself when he sees his own videos.
To think less than a month ago I didn't know if he crawled! Now he's up and around chatting about the world!! Amazing!
He loves his caregivers though and I know he will miss them so much. I know they will miss him terribly...they all seem so drawn to him. He has that way about him. And when he smiles at you, you feel like the most special person on this planet!
What a little charmer!!
Well, I wanted to touch base...
I'll write more tomorrow!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Little B is amazing! He'll be walking before I know it!!! AND...today, when K&D left with a 'packa-packa', he waved...you know the kind where you open and close your fist (palm facing towards you)...and said "bakbak" or something like that....then he got tickled with himself, but wouldn't do it again.
So today, although a little chilly, was sunny & we spent the visit outside...we walked, had 'wild kitty' follow us around...then played with K&D's little tiger who doesn't do much but play 'bouncy-bounce' with mom & dad...he's only 7 or 8 months old. Little B played with their stacking cups...pretending to drink (they drink out of shot glasses...who needs sippy cups?) and had fun stacking them.
I was wiping boogers all day...poor guy...but they're all fighting off the new bugs finding homes inside as the weather is getting colder & the windows are shut!
We walked to the Bazaar yesterday & a snow flurry came about!! Kelly got a hat, Doug some gloves...me? hey, I'm set!!!! :) ...I just needed 'internet cards'!!!!
The Bazaar is a huge flea market that sells Armani to warm socks to hunks of meat...all outdoors. Apparently they keep this open in the winter...now THIS is where the vodka comes in!
Hey...so I may be turning this blog to private...you all know us, so I'm not disappointing anyone. S will send a mass invite to everyone should this happen...if we've missed you, PLEASE let us know!!! There is no one I don't want seeing...I simply don't want any authorities misreading or misinterpreting anything I might be trying to say to strangers who may be visiting here...it's very political and private out here...and I don't want to take any chances with people I don't know taking or manipulating any info. (so the blogs and rumors are reporting)
OK....more later!
(and me? well, I'm doing great...been hanging out with my friends....met a woman, Mascha...she hangs outside my apt with her friends...she's an older lady who doesn't speak a lick of English, but I see her all the time...so now we spend time chatting...I have a VT picture book I'll be showing her tomorrow...she's helping me with my Russian)
I miss everyone!!!! So much! I can't wait to come home!!!
It's fun here...but I miss working!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September 25, 2008 9:30AM (11:30 PM 9-24 EST)
OK…so, it’s getting cold here and I am on a quest for a HAT! Many of you already know…I am always trying to find headgear…a task which seems so simple to attain at first glance. I’ve attached some pictures for you (that’s Siberian Fox, mind you). I finally did find one I’m happy with but don’t have a picture yet…
The last 2 days have been the best days so far!!!
Little B has been a charmer! He chats with me, and wants to crawl all over the place. He loves to get up on to 2 legs and kiss himself in the mirror…then he chats a bit, introduces me to his BFF (himself) and then giggles…it’s so fun!
He is ticklish…omg
We’ve also been playing with another family lately. She’s an adorable little blue-eyed 12 month old bundle about to move to
I’m pretty certain he knows he’s a fav amongst all the gals in the babyhome…but he sure plays it cool. He’ll run a turbo lap with his walker, look up at me, grin…then run around again this time not looking at me, but knowing I’m watching his every move. If I pretend I’m not looking…he just does his thing for a bit. If I continue to ‘ignore’ him, he’ll make noises, see me look, grin, continue on. People will walk by & he expects adoration with a “hey, what’s up girl” look. It literally cracks me up & the girls here adore him!
Ethan & Calvin, both so different and oh so cute! were nothing like this kid. Ethan, all ball & all boy…Calvin, a natural chatty flirt...Dan, funny-guy…
I am missing my little men back home! Please give them “HUGS & KISSES” for me.
We had an opportunity to have horsemeat yesterday. Although it goes against my mantra for trying new things when offered a chance…I am having a very hard time wrapping my brain around it…that and monkey brains. If they ever came out with monkeys strapped under a table I don’t know what I would do!
It took me many, many, many years just to try Venison—Dr. A’s fourth of july party in 2004. and I did like it…
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
September 20, 2008...out and about
In the first picture: Doug, Kelly, me
Veggies (raw/grilled), cheese, bread, some delicious Kazakh sauce, Kabobs, vodka and oh yes, dancers & dancing!
All, very cool.
There were break dancers as well...wow, they were good!
Then came the DJ & dancing. A few big parties were going on at the restaurant & the floor became packed with people.
You'll love this one: Eminem's "Without Me" song was mixed Moby-style to a funky techno-beat with some Russian...
...a crowd fav. lol
So we ate & danced.
More later...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Written 09-16-08 in the PM (never posted)
More observations:
I don’t know if it’s every Friday night, but there was a big party last Friday at the main square…with DJ, techno & fireworks! You can drink alcohol out in public, so it was like an outside party, sponsored by the town. So many people were there.
There is no recycling of bottles, aluminum or plastic. Everything goes in to rubbish.
I find myself reusing the plastic wrap I’ll get from cookies or pasta or such. They don’t use shrinkwrap here, so it’s easy to reuse.
Marlboro brand cigarettes are 100 tenge/pack (~$0.84
They are planting trees everywhere there is dirt. A green-up Kostanai initiative (?)
There aren’t any cinemas or McDonalds here in Kostanai.
Everyone says ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘you’re welcome’
They drive like crazy, but you don’t see road rage like we have back home. People cut people off all the time, but it’s as though the ‘loser’ accepts defeat…he’s not keeping the other car from getting ahead, so to speak, nor does he then speed up to ‘get him back’. No ‘spiteful’ driving I guess you could say, from what I’ve seen. And I admit to being a recovering Mass-hole driver. (in my defense, it’s the only way to survive if you live in
Most of the cars are Russian. The main import is definitely VW/Audi. There is an even split of BMW & Mercedes, some Ford,
I get these annoying little fruit flies…you know, the kind that nose dive into your Cabernet. I don’t know why…I take out my trash every day and I don’t have anything exposed that they’d want, outside my occasional meal or open-topped drink. I don’t see any beer-mugs with the flip-up tops like they sell in
There is a beer called “
As well as a restaurant with the same name and logo.
Construction workers don’t wear hard hats…even hanging off rafters 14+ stories high, despite debris being thrown off the floors.
The Russian airlines are developing one of the worst crash ratings.
I’ve posted some pictures of my plane from Almaty…a Soviet propeller plane.
Merrill Lynch was bought out by Bank of
I had my best day at the babyhome today (09-16-08).
Ermek (air-mic) was a crazy-guy today…he was showing me all his tricks. He was crawling all over (big grins the whole time), pulling himself up onto his legs using the couch, tossing his toys and showing me he can get them himself, rolling onto his stomach (grinning again), then flipping over onto his back to show me he likes to play this way too…lol…oh man, the boy was something else.
He’s been in the ‘isolation room’ the last few days and today he was dressed and standing in his crib when I came to get him. I think he’s feeling better & hope he can hang with his buds soon.
He loves to see himself on the camera. He even made some syllables and talked (briefly). Very alert and fun!
Then a little after 2, he crashed and got cranky. I’m pretty sure nap time is at 2:30pm. I’m also realizing some cries are for attention…little stinker! I’m a sucker too…he knows I’m new. I’m catching on to the little bug…
Tonight Kelly & Doug are coming over again. They are also falling in love with their little tiger! We all started this process wanting a little girls…we now all have boys…we couldn’t wish for anything different.
I always resort to the belief that it all seems to work out in the end when you keep going after what it is you want/need, stay focused and organized...and listen to the universe…I feel so lucky today…and back home I’m surrounded by some of the most amazing people I never thought would exist in my life. This little guy will be the next member of our community…I won’t ask you to love him…I’ll let him do the negotiating and close the deal on his own.
…I still don’t know when I’m coming home.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
September 16, 2008...
September 16, 2008 10:30AM (12:30AM EST)
Buddha & I had an awesome day yesterday! It was 14degrees Celsius, and I was freezing! But the great part was they bundled the little guy up and we spent 75 minutes outside…he loves being outside.
It’s so hard to say backa-backa! (bye-bye) when I leave lately. This was the 10th day meeting with him for about an hour usually. So I’ve spent a little over 10 hours with the boy in his entire lifetime.
I’ll be honest. I truly was not expecting to really like the little dude so quickly! I was hoping, but it was more of a ‘yeah yeah, I hope he’s healthy’…and frankly, I had no other thought or projection in my head as to what it was going to be like. I couldn’t. It was a blank in my mind. I had absolutely NOTHING to act as a frame of reference or a benchmark or some sort of starting block for my vision in thought.
The moment I met my little guy back home, Ethan…every single action of his was the cutest thing ever. I am in love with that kid! This little dude is such a dude, for one thing…and I just can’t get enough of him!!!
Here’s the nitty gritty: We don’t have a director or a head doctor still…but they assured me that if I choose this child, he will be unavailable for anyone else to see. Of course I chose him! (jack black in Shallow Hal: “cookoo! cookoo!”) LOL
So, I am going to check with Zhanat, my liaison here, regarding pictures. As long as she’s ok with it, I will start to post some pictures of the little bug on this site. In the meantime, if you still haven’t seen them, please connect with Stas & she’ll forward some on to you.
The boy is generally quiet. He likes watching and doing at his own pace and direction. If he feels he’s being ‘taught’, he’ll listen for a while, shut down…and when I turn away, I’ll see him practicing. For instance, I’ll take a block and bang it on another to make a noise. He will watch me, but won’t emulate. Later, when it’s his idea, he’ll do it, then own it! He’s a sensitive little Cancer…
Last night I made dinner for my friends Kelly & Doug. Partially. They took care of the meat. LOL. I had the drinks, appetizers & veggie dish. Patti, you would be proud. My presentation was applauded!!! I learned from the best! (I was thinking about you the whole time) And, the best part, the kitchen was immaculate when they showed up as though I didn’t do a thing in there…and for me, I cleaned as I went…painless & seamless. And AJ, I have a delicious cocktail I concocted you’d appreciate! Vodka, liquor (with real wild strawberries), lemon, some orange, seltzer…and we don’t have ice so I froze a little orange-water (no, not the orange-water from the faucet, which has toned down to light tea color by the way…orangeANDwater mixed) added to the martini glass. I usually don’t go for the ‘fruity’, but it worked…not too sweet.
Anyway, I miss you all. Back home I heard we had a great weekend. I’m so proud of the people who really busted it out that day…and all days of recent. And the volunteers and those who stepped in to help…just excellent, all the way around! …thank you.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
09-14-08 good morning
Morning of 09-14-08 (11:22AM, 1:22AM EST)
Today, I am thinking of the big day back home! I wish I was there & will be with everyone in spirit.
I have a small porch outside my apartment and lately I’ve been going to sleep with the door to the porch open, but the windows to the outside closed. Apparently, I forgot to shut the outside porch window (we don’t use screens out here).
I woke to a pigeon in my room! (they hang out on the roof right above me –I’m on the top floor—I even hear them in my bathroom vent)
I am telling you, the fun never stops over here!
On the babyfront: little B had a cold yesterday so I needed to meet him in the ‘isolation room’…poor little guy couldn’t hang with his friends. It was warm enough outside so we had a nice stroll around campus. At least when I left there was a cute nurse watching over him. As I said my “backa! backa!” or ‘bye bye’, he giggled and gave me what I’ll call his first little kiss. The nurse was so tickled by this…then she caught herself and got serious again. He seems to be a favorite amongst the staff…because he’s so reserved & particular with whom he wants to deal and how.
The kid’s got some depth…and everyone knows it.
I should post a picture of Scruffy, the campus dog, on here…he is a sweet dog! Little B adores him!
I don’t have much else to report at this time. It rained last night & is a little raw this morning.
Domestically, today is laundry day. I also made a garlic tomato sauce this morning…it should be delicious by this afternoon when I have my dinner. I seem to eat at odd hours when I’m not out: I wake up and have coffee, then eat a yogurt before I leave. Around 3-4pm I eat a meal, then another snack around 8-9pm.
I miss you all & will be thinking of you. Have an awesome day!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hot Water 09-12-08...(kindof)
The Hot Water is being turned on. Here is a picture of my water this afternoon...well, it's not hot yet, but it's what is coming out of my faucet when you turn the nozzle to "red" (I did not do anything to this picture)
It's a big improvement...prior to this, nothing came out.
What can you expect? The water's been shut off since May.
But really, I have developed a working system for bathing with the cold water I think I'll use for a bit longer.
I left the water on for over 15minutes...I expect it to clear up at some point. Don't you?
I had a nice day at the Babyhome today. Our little buddha showed me his turbo-power-walk in the walker. He had some fun moving around in that thing. We couldn't go outside today...I think it was a bit chilly, according to the 'experts'.
Tonight's supposed to get very cold and we expect rain/snow in the next week. I brought nothing heavier than my leather jacket & a puffy-vest. Now that's thinking!
We hope there is a director and head doctor soon, however I did manage to get a translated copy of the Medical Extract. It's full of words and numbers that mean nothing to me, but of course sound both extreme and alarming...for all I know these are technical words for "hangnail" and "sniffles"
The little dude was 4kg at birth! Big Boy!!!
OH, and please let Barbi know, if she doesn't read this, that the first thing he played with during my initial visit, was the bracelet she gave me right before I left. I wear it everyday!
For the rest of the gang at GSHD...I'm hearing some great things! You are stepping up to the plate and are both a pleasure & relief to know back home. It takes a team & the community we're involved with to make it all work! Thank you! Continue to take care of your jobs, each other & our customers!!! Have an awesome weekend & have FUN!!!
(I saw 'horse milk' at the market today...almost bought it thinking it was some sort of milky-vitamin-yogurt type drink)
--I know, I am envied--
On a final note:
little buddha's Kazakh name translates to: joy & happiness
Traditionally, the grandmother would watch the child while the parents would go work, and it is that joy and happiness the grandmother would experience and feel…which is what his name means.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11, 2008 8:12PM (10:12AM EST)
Here is a picture of my dinner yesterday. The produce is fresh (they seem to use mayo quite often) & the pizza delicious. We chose to eat here because it's in the same building as Doug & Kelly's apt. I think our pizza was a 'minced meat' pizza...not bad!
I can't tell you how great it has been to have met those two. I know we'll be in each others lives from now on...we've already gone through so much together (and sometimes in the same room!)...
So today was a good day. The little guy is a charmer. My hesitation? Only a few minor details: there still isn't a director...or a head doctor...my name isn't associated with this little cutiepie on anything official...I haven't signed one document since my arrival. Other than that, I couldn't ask for anything more! I'm waiting on some medical reports.
The more we spend together, the tougher it is to imagine this not going through. So I think happy thoughts and continue to move on through the day.
Hence, with that out there...please keep your good thoughts and wishes coming. I appreciate them tremendously!!!
We've had some changes back home, but all in all, I think it's best for everyone exposed to them.
I gave my first little 'gift' today...some pure VT syrup in an adorable little jar shaped like my state. No time to type the report? Oh, well, I happen to have some sweet maple syrup you don't have here...oh sure, take it...how about some maple candies...what? you can? thank you so much for finding the time!
I went to a street market today with Kelly & Doug...they sell sneakers to jackets to dish soap to fish heads and pieces of meat bigger than me! It is something else. Makes the Barcelona market look small. I bought a purse. Not much into big purses, but I am tired of carrying around my computer bag...
I hope to put some pictures on here soon...I simply don't want to take any chances right now. There's been a little delay on this end, but I'm keepin' the faith it's only a delay.
OH...and we have water back, but no hot water. It will be so nice to have a hot shower...it's been since Almaty (Sept 3).
I brought boxes of Powerbars (the people blogging told me they are a 'must have')...and don't really see any need for it. The food is awesome over here! The tea and coffee, delicious...and of course the beer, turning out to be a staple during meal time.
I miss you all!!!! (and love hearing from you!)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
09-10-08...12:08AM (2:08PM 09-09-08)
finally, a picture.
A view from my penthouse: 5th floor, Apt 24
Down to the left are the ladies with the produce, if you can see them all lined up on the sidewalk
Later today, I hope to meet with the doctor. Again, I hung out with the little guy for a little over an hour today (or yesterday now that it's past midnight). Time flew by.
Not much else to note here. I went to bed very late last night (4:30ish?) so I hope to get a good nights rest tonight. I'm quite exhausted!
Monday, September 8, 2008
090808 11:04PM (11:04PM EST)
Today I walked over a homeless man on my way out of my building. I hear that’s good luck!
I took the morning to go to the market. These Hansel & Gretel women are seated along the sidewalk on super short stools presenting the vegetables & fruits from their gardens. They look delicious! So far, the produce here has been incredibly flavorful!!! Some have their daughters (in their teens or early 20’s) helping them…no men.
Little Buddha & I hung out, but todays visit seemed to fly by. I have only been able to meet with him for a little over an hour a day. He doesn’t say much, but the little guy watches everything.
Unfortunately, I was unable to meet with the new head doctor/director. I was told that Wednesday will be the day.
Needless to say, today was a bit frustrating on the “can I have some answers” side of things.
Nevertheless, at the same time, I’m here, visiting daily, getting to know this amazing country & meeting some very interesting people.
Yesterday we walked down to a river & saw fairly new McMansions and some high end tall apartment buildings being built. I’m extremely intrigued by this growth…in this fashion. I wonder if they’ll let me go in one…
Overall, as I interact with people…I am finding that they are extremely polite and nice (& did I mention striking?)
I apologize for not posting pictures…I am having trouble uploading them during the times I seem to be on-line.
My emotions and feelings? Honestly, I’m guarded. I just want to take things one day at a time, pray for health and the right thing to do at every chance I get. I feel lucky to be where I am today.
OH, I’m sure you’re wondering how I’m doing without water (or perhaps trying to take it out of your mind)…I still have cold water to shower & cook with. They will be shutting it off Sept 9 – 11. I’ve boiled enough eggs to get me through the snacktimes…and am still so ‘droolingly’ excited about all the restaurants I haven’t yet been to.
(I know I’m making my sister cringe with these made up words and horrible grammar…it’s how I blog. If I do a rough draft, I will mess up the candor part of it. I am trying to write as though I’m speaking to you…if I change course tomorrow, it’s because I think differently then. If you would like polished, please advise…)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Message For Tante Taschi
Lukas, Silke and Markus were visiting from Germany - Tasch had to leave for Kazakhstan right before they got here. Sadly she missed them. Lukas wanted to make her a little message so here it is. If you understand German, you are in luck. If not, well he is just so cute it won't matter if you understand him or not. Maybe somebody can translate for me? I know he says something about the boat and a motorcycle not starting - "Kaput!" thats about all I get.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Observations...(written a few days ago)
The land, the people, my apartment…
The land is flat & dry…we’re in the city of
It’s a little odd because there are some new and modern buildings, then old Russian architecture…but most of the buildings almost look dilapidated.
The weather was hot when I left Almaty, but the moment we got off the plane (which was about 90 degrees the whole way…I was half-way expecting chickens to come out from the back in a Romancing-The-Stone kind of way) in Kostanai it was as though a cold front hit us.
It is very Slovakian out here. Despite how the buildings look, the people are gorgeous! The women and men dress very modern & are attached to their cell phones. Teen aged girls travel in packs with their music MP3 players on speaker (not much has changed since the boombox days).
I was a little surprised at how up to date their TV shows were. You have the same types of reality shows and funny sitcoms put together about as well as ours, but in Russian (no voice overs)…it was nice to see. I guess technology is that far advanced, anyone can make a quality production. The people in these shows are just like us.
Both men & women wear clothes that fit…the Avril/Pink look is in, but the Eminem look isn’t. Ed Hardy would be a hit. Sloppiness & obesity is definitely OUT.
I would say that here in Kostanai, there is a 50/50 mix of Russian/Asian looking people. Quite frankly, both are striking…it is as though the strongest genes were the only ones that survived. I don’t care what our son looks like.
Restaurants are reasonably priced & they always add 10% tip to the bill.
For the most part, I feel like I’m in Europe, however it is not Americanized like
My apartment building doesn’t have outside lights (thank you Stas for giving me that little flash light). The courtyard is an overgrown playground. I sing Madonna’s “this used to be my playground…” when I walk through...maybe to keep me from thinking -scary movie- "lalala". There are a bunch of cats and community dogs that hang around.
I laugh when I look at the buildings and some of the cars these people come out of…because they are so put together!
I’ll post more observations another time…
September 6, 2008
September 6, 2008: 11:15AM (1:15AM EST)
Yesterday may have ranked in the top tier of my most overwhelming experiences. I couldn’t even blog/write about it last night.
After a great nights sleep, I think I can fill you in, albeit briefly, on what’s going on.
I went to the babyhome yesterday.
I was handed a 13+ month old (07-19-07) boy they woke up from a nap. The little Buddha-belly cried (poor thing!) and tried so hard to find a comfortable position. He had a pacifier (as Calvin would say…”paci”) and snuggled in.
About a minute later, they needed to put him down for a nap. They really weren’t expecting us, so this was a bit of a surprise visit right after we got the official invitation from the Ministry of Education.
I really can’t say more than the little guy was tan with dark hair & big hands. LOL.
So really…I’ll leave my emotions out of it for now.
I am going to the babyhome today…I hope to meet this little boy again.
OH…so everytime I dial up I am taken back to 1998…the AOL days. It cracks me up everytime… J
Another funny thing to note is when I log onto my blog, except for the blogs & comments themselves, everything is in Russian…from the sign in area to the commercials on the side. When I open up my browser I am routed to Google-Kazakh. It’s pretty cool…
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday morning blog...
September 5, 2008: 1130AM (1:30 AM 9/5/08 EST)
I went to bed at 4:30AM & woke up around 8:30AM this morning. After a few cups of coffee, I’m feeling just fine to face the day.
I don’t think I mentioned this in my previous post:
The city apparently shuts off the hot water during the summer months until September 8…so I’ve been bathing with cold water since I arrived.
As tough as that sounds, it really isn’t bad. It just is.
Same with the coffee…it’s instant, but like with camping, it tastes good because that’s all I have. Maybe later I’ll go to a café and enjoy a delicious cappuccino.
Back to the water…there is one more thing I’d like to mention. A few days before they turn on the hot water for the season, they will be completely shutting off the water. I was told it could be as early as today…
“DA! isssOK! no problem, spa-seebah” –my version of Russian. For some reason I think speaking English with a foreign accent makes me more understandable. Then the Brazilian hand gestures make it complete.
To prepare for such an event, I’ve filled up my 3 pots for “water stash”.
I purchased more towels and some cleaning sponges yesterday…I feel I have all my necessities in order.
I am meeting Zhanat (pronounced with a soft ‘j’ “Janaught”) at 12:30PM at the front of the Ministry of Education. She sounded deflated; same as yesterday afternoon when she left the place at 6:00pm. I don’t think any of us slept much.
I will write more later…
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My trip so far

Kostanai September 5, 1008: 1:00am (3:00 PM 9/4 EST)
Sorry I’ve been out of touch!!!
WOW. It’s been quite a trip so far. I’m still learning to blog, so if I can’t get some adequate pictures on here now, I’ll get them to you really soon. You have GOT to see some of them!!!
The flight out was just fine…no big delays & no real issues to speak of. In Frankfurt I met the other family traveling to Kostanai from the same agency. Doug & Kelly are from Freeport, ME…really nice couple!
We arrived in Almaty close to midnight (turning 9/3/08) & were greeted by Nickolai who brought us to the Hotel Kazakhstan for the evening. It was nearing 1:30 when we finally got checked in. The hotel lobby was beautiful! Marble & chandeliers everywhere! PLUS…(Ilse, this one’s for you) there was a “Guns N Roses Bar” in the Hotel…lol. Yep, who’d of thought? Although it had been well over 20 hours since I was in Boston and over 30 since my body had been on a bed, we decided to have a beer and toast this special event. I took some pictures and hope to add them soon.
The breakfast was delicious & then we were off for our mid-afternoon flight to Kostanai.
We took a prop plane from Almaty to Kostanai which should have only taken about 2 ½ hours…it took us about 4 ½ hours. The plane was a bit scary but made me laugh. For instance, the flight attendant didn’t care if you buckled up…there were no airbags or pre-flight safety demos…LOL…there wasn’t any overhead storage except for a shelf like that in buses…what a trip.
Zhanat & Dina met us at the airport. They are AWESOME!!!! Zhanat is about 50yo, lives in Kostanai with her husband (driver), speaks English very well (Sept 4 was her b-day) & will be with me throughout this process. Dina lives in Almaty & came over for a few days. They both are reps for our agency.
We went out our first night to the Knights Café. That was a long dinner, but really nice.
My apartment building is about a 10min walk to Kelly & Doug’s place & has a washing machine. I’m pretty happy about that. I had to do laundry my first night because it appeared that there was only one towel…and it desperately needed some soapy attention.
At that point it is about 1-2am the morning of September 4…earlier today I guess you would say. We were supposed to go to the ministry of education with Zhanat to get permission to visit the babyhome. This never happened.
Apparently, the director of the babyhome for 10 years abrubtly ‘retired’. No one knows what is going on. Zhanat has been at the ministry of ed all day & got no where. She is really upset about the whole thing…and really surprised.
I am at a loss & don’t know what to do right now. I even bought diabetic strips for the Dr. No one knew this was going to happen…even her.
She does live near my apt…I may have to track her down.
Nevertheless, we hung around all day waiting for Zhanat’s phone call…then Kelly, Doug & I went out for dinner & hung out the rest of the eve.
Zhanat will be picking me up (later) today. We will go to the Ministry of Education in hopes to put some pressure on them…I still don’t know what “them” means…the clerk behind the desk? Someone higher up? I am hoping that it will work so we can visit the babyhome tomorrow.
But as it stands now…no one is running the place.
I am praying & hope you do too…I plan to do whatever it takes.
I will write tomorrow. Hopefully adding some pictures.

Picture 1: Almaty Airport
Pocture 2: Hotel Kazakhstan Lobby
Picture 3: The view from my room...if you look closely there is snow on the mountains
Picture 4: The side of my plane to Kostanai...nice!