Friday, September 12, 2008

Hot Water 09-12-08...(kindof)

The Hot Water is being turned on. Here is a picture of my water this afternoon...well, it's not hot yet, but it's what is coming out of my faucet when you turn the nozzle to "red" (I did not do anything to this picture)

It's a big improvement...prior to this, nothing came out.

What can you expect? The water's been shut off since May.

But really, I have developed a working system for bathing with the cold water I think I'll use for a bit longer.

I left the water on for over 15minutes...I expect it to clear up at some point. Don't you?

I had a nice day at the Babyhome today. Our little buddha showed me his turbo-power-walk in the walker. He had some fun moving around in that thing. We couldn't go outside today...I think it was a bit chilly, according to the 'experts'.

Tonight's supposed to get very cold and we expect rain/snow in the next week. I brought nothing heavier than my leather jacket & a puffy-vest. Now that's thinking!

We hope there is a director and head doctor soon, however I did manage to get a translated copy of the Medical Extract. It's full of words and numbers that mean nothing to me, but of course sound both extreme and alarming...for all I know these are technical words for "hangnail" and "sniffles"

The little dude was 4kg at birth! Big Boy!!!

OH, and please let Barbi know, if she doesn't read this, that the first thing he played with during my initial visit, was the bracelet she gave me right before I left. I wear it everyday!

For the rest of the gang at GSHD...I'm hearing some great things! You are stepping up to the plate and are both a pleasure & relief to know back home. It takes a team & the community we're involved with to make it all work! Thank you! Continue to take care of your jobs, each other & our customers!!! Have an awesome weekend & have FUN!!!

(I saw 'horse milk' at the market today...almost bought it thinking it was some sort of milky-vitamin-yogurt type drink)
--I know, I am envied--

On a final note:
little buddha's Kazakh name translates to: joy & happiness
Traditionally, the grandmother would watch the child while the parents would go work, and it is that joy and happiness the grandmother would experience and feel…which is what his name means.


Anonymous said...

love you and thinking of you and our little boy. Be safe

Love you Patti and Gene

Unknown said...

Tasch or Stas,
If you need some quick definitions/translation (and what they mean for your little man) of the medical terms, Mom (Dr. Theresa Smith) would be happy to help. Just type the terms or send a photocopy via email and we'll get on it for ya.
Heather (and Terry too)

Flip said...

That water is..erm...well, you're right! At least it's liquid and coming out of the faucet!
I LOVE that video of PAM! I don't know the lady and probably never will, but she sure is excited! LOL

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