090808 11:04PM (11:04PM EST)
Today I walked over a homeless man on my way out of my building. I hear that’s good luck!
I took the morning to go to the market. These Hansel & Gretel women are seated along the sidewalk on super short stools presenting the vegetables & fruits from their gardens. They look delicious! So far, the produce here has been incredibly flavorful!!! Some have their daughters (in their teens or early 20’s) helping them…no men.
Little Buddha & I hung out, but todays visit seemed to fly by. I have only been able to meet with him for a little over an hour a day. He doesn’t say much, but the little guy watches everything.
Unfortunately, I was unable to meet with the new head doctor/director. I was told that Wednesday will be the day.
Needless to say, today was a bit frustrating on the “can I have some answers” side of things.
Nevertheless, at the same time, I’m here, visiting daily, getting to know this amazing country & meeting some very interesting people.
Yesterday we walked down to a river & saw fairly new McMansions and some high end tall apartment buildings being built. I’m extremely intrigued by this growth…in this fashion. I wonder if they’ll let me go in one…
Overall, as I interact with people…I am finding that they are extremely polite and nice (& did I mention striking?)
I apologize for not posting pictures…I am having trouble uploading them during the times I seem to be on-line.
My emotions and feelings? Honestly, I’m guarded. I just want to take things one day at a time, pray for health and the right thing to do at every chance I get. I feel lucky to be where I am today.
OH, I’m sure you’re wondering how I’m doing without water (or perhaps trying to take it out of your mind)…I still have cold water to shower & cook with. They will be shutting it off Sept 9 – 11. I’ve boiled enough eggs to get me through the snacktimes…and am still so ‘droolingly’ excited about all the restaurants I haven’t yet been to.
(I know I’m making my sister cringe with these made up words and horrible grammar…it’s how I blog. If I do a rough draft, I will mess up the candor part of it. I am trying to write as though I’m speaking to you…if I change course tomorrow, it’s because I think differently then. If you would like polished, please advise…)
I vote NO POLISH!! I love the raw words and emotions, it paints the picture perfectly!
I second that! You should write everyday though..making notes of all the experiences and emotions...come back home, raise the foreign kid, dig out your notes, get a ghost writer, write a book, make another million.
Looky there! Another fliptasical idea!
flip...how can I make it through the world without you?
Hey...think we could dig out that childrens book you wrote????
wasn't it a little over 10 years ago when we met? How time flies!!
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