Thursday, September 18, 2008

Written 09-16-08 in the PM (never posted)

those are curtains in the big round windows
I was happy we weren't traveling over the Chilean Andes for a Rugby tournament!

More observations:

I don’t know if it’s every Friday night, but there was a big party last Friday at the main square…with DJ, techno & fireworks! You can drink alcohol out in public, so it was like an outside party, sponsored by the town. So many people were there.

There is no recycling of bottles, aluminum or plastic. Everything goes in to rubbish.

I find myself reusing the plastic wrap I’ll get from cookies or pasta or such. They don’t use shrinkwrap here, so it’s easy to reuse.

Marlboro brand cigarettes are 100 tenge/pack (~$0.84 US). Beer is sold by the 0.5 liter and many of the bottles are twist-offs. They also have 0.5 liter cans.

They are planting trees everywhere there is dirt. A green-up Kostanai initiative (?)

There aren’t any cinemas or McDonalds here in Kostanai.

Everyone says ‘thank you’, ‘please’ and ‘you’re welcome’

They drive like crazy, but you don’t see road rage like we have back home. People cut people off all the time, but it’s as though the ‘loser’ accepts defeat…he’s not keeping the other car from getting ahead, so to speak, nor does he then speed up to ‘get him back’. No ‘spiteful’ driving I guess you could say, from what I’ve seen. And I admit to being a recovering Mass-hole driver. (in my defense, it’s the only way to survive if you live in Boston…OK fine, there is no excuse for being an ass)

Most of the cars are Russian. The main import is definitely VW/Audi. There is an even split of BMW & Mercedes, some Ford, Toyota, Lexus, Subaru & others here. Most of the city buses are fairly modern, but you still have the occasional bubble-bus with curtains in the window.

I get these annoying little fruit flies…you know, the kind that nose dive into your Cabernet. I don’t know why…I take out my trash every day and I don’t have anything exposed that they’d want, outside my occasional meal or open-topped drink. I don’t see any beer-mugs with the flip-up tops like they sell in Bavaria.

There is a beer called “Bavaria”, made in Holland. lol

As well as a restaurant with the same name and logo.

Construction workers don’t wear hard hats…even hanging off rafters 14+ stories high, despite debris being thrown off the floors. Mt. Rushmore was built with dynamite and men rappelling on ropes…a total of zero casualties.

The Russian airlines are developing one of the worst crash ratings.

I’ve posted some pictures of my plane from Almaty…a Soviet propeller plane.

Merrill Lynch was bought out by Bank of America…who’s next to be bought, GE? I’m waiting Immelt…let’s quit bailing and start stimulating! The Welch-way doesn’t seem to cut it these days…

I had my best day at the babyhome today (09-16-08).

Ermek (air-mic) was a crazy-guy today…he was showing me all his tricks. He was crawling all over (big grins the whole time), pulling himself up onto his legs using the couch, tossing his toys and showing me he can get them himself, rolling onto his stomach (grinning again), then flipping over onto his back to show me he likes to play this way too…lol…oh man, the boy was something else.

He’s been in the ‘isolation room’ the last few days and today he was dressed and standing in his crib when I came to get him. I think he’s feeling better & hope he can hang with his buds soon.

He loves to see himself on the camera. He even made some syllables and talked (briefly). Very alert and fun!

Then a little after 2, he crashed and got cranky. I’m pretty sure nap time is at 2:30pm. I’m also realizing some cries are for attention…little stinker! I’m a sucker too…he knows I’m new. I’m catching on to the little bug…

Tonight Kelly & Doug are coming over again. They are also falling in love with their little tiger! We all started this process wanting a little girls…we now all have boys…we couldn’t wish for anything different.

I always resort to the belief that it all seems to work out in the end when you keep going after what it is you want/need, stay focused and organized...and listen to the universe…I feel so lucky today…and back home I’m surrounded by some of the most amazing people I never thought would exist in my life. This little guy will be the next member of our community…I won’t ask you to love him…I’ll let him do the negotiating and close the deal on his own.

…I still don’t know when I’m coming home.


Anonymous said...

Our little babe is so cute I can hardly wait to get my lips on him. Cal is hiped he has so much to teach him. You are doing such a good job I love you and can't wait for the two of you to get home to us.. Take care and give my sweet babe a big kiss from his MIMI.

Love you Patti

Tasch said...

I will Patti... you!!!!

give the fam a big kiss from me!!!

Flip said...

How come no writing in two days? you OK?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link.. and for sharing this journey with us. I feel honored. Your lil' Buddah sounds absolutely precious! I can not wait to see pictures. My email is

We are praying for you and keeping you close to our hearts.. that everything works out.. though I am certain that it will. Keep the faith, Baby. Kiss that Little punkin for me... and keep a hug for yourself, my friend,
Love you,

P.S. Either I need glasses or if the Marlboro's are as cheap as I thought you said... Do they ship to the US??? LOL

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