Friday, September 12, 2008

A Message for Tasch from Pam


Tasch said...

awww...thanks Pam! I hope you love your bike! Can't wait to hear about it. XOXO (you & Bill)

...and is that our fluffy beau i see? omg...too cute...

Pam said...

I DO loe my bike already--you know how it is with a harley--love at first sight. However, "little Buddah" is love at first sight. We loved the pixs that Stas shared..such an emotional expereince....we love you and are with you ALL of you all the way through this incredible journey (book/movie material for sure!) Bill has the "little wonder" named already so when he arrives, watch out! Yes we met Beau... Keep in touch...we love you 2....Pam and Bill

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